Richard Dronskowski was born in Brilon, Germany, in 1961, and he studied chemistry and physics at the University of Münster in the early 1980s. After having received his diplomas in 1987 and 1989, he got his Ph. D. (Dr. rer. nat., to be precise) in 1990 from the Technical University of Stuttgart and the (neighboring) Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research; the thesis was entitled "Condensed Clusters in Oxides and Arsenides of Molybdenum". Five years later, he received both habilitation and venia legendi from the University of Dortmund. Boy, those were the good old days!
In his professional career he worked as a visiting scientist at Cornell University and at the above-mentioned Max Planck Institute at Stuttgart. In 1997 he took the Chair of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry and became Director of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University. In 2006 this chair was eventually given a new name (see above) to better reflect the particular research that is being done here.
Phone: +49 (0)241 80-90061 +49 (0)2461 61-4036 (FZ-Jülich) E-mail: Field of research: Synthesis and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Nitrides; POWTEX